Sunday, December 19, 2010

Eating new stuff all the time

I recently found out that Hackberry berries are edible. Hackberry trees are generally considered trash trees here in Texas since they are EVERYWHERE. In fact, we have to kill hundreds of seedlings all over the yard every year. After I found out that the tiny berries were edible, I tried one. Well, it is all seed. There is a thin coat around the seed that tastes like a tame cinnamon red hot but not much to eat. The seed is too hard to bite through but if you smash them up into little bits, they have a cookie dough consistency that is okay.

Well, one site said to look for a tree that has thin seed shells. I found one at the land today and it was like eating M&Ms. I am now a big fan of this tree I have cursed for years. Too bad the two 40 foot trees at my house have hard seeds.

I suspect the best way to harvest these will be by putting a blanket down and lightly tapping the branches with a pole.

Here are some of the berries that I am shipping to a guy from the Texas Rare Fruit Growers. He lives in Mississippi. Go figure.

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