About five years ago, I bought my first fruit tree. It was an Apple and I planted it in the backyard. I loved it and took care of it and it promptly died one year later. I did everything I was supposed to do but it just didnt make it. I talked to a few people at nurseries and they told me that Apples do not do well in Central Texas unless it is a specific variety.
I was a bit confused.
Why were the nurseries selling that Apple if it didnt grow here? I then went on to purchase other fruit trees and plants. Some did well and some died right off. I decided to research what fruit trees did best in my area. I found lots of trees, bushes and plants that love Central Texas heat and clay soil. Almost none of these were available at Home Depot, Lowes or the big box nurseries. Many were not even available at the locally owned nurseries even though they said they were great plants.
Why the F**K werent they selling the trees that liked it here? Why werent we eating the fruits that naturalize in our area? What the hell is going on?
I decided it would be my new goal in life to grow the right fruits for my region and introduce the public to these delicious and tough morsels. I did what any "at home computer tech" with absolutely no knowledge of fruit trees would do. I bought 11 acres of the cheapest land possible and started planting trees.
It really only gets worse from here.
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