Sunday, December 12, 2010

Tired. So Tired.

I purchased everything to start a garden in my Mother-in-Laws backyard. She purchased the house next door to us a few weeks ago. We were very happy because we bought the house a long time ago, restored it and sold it to a nice family. They moved back to Austin and my MIL decided to buy it.

Nice looking house. Here is another picture of what it looked like when we first bought it.

It was worse than it looks. HA!

So back to the story. I was going to start a garden but I had to go out to the land instead to dig 900 feet of trench for irrigation. It took forever with the Ditch Witch. While I was out there, I found a dead snake that had impaled itself on one of the spikes in the tree.

I filled the raised garden beds with leaves this Fall. I have mixed in some compost and soil and will be doing lasagna gardening this spring. Basically, I will mixe the leave in a little further, cover it all with newspaper, cover the newspaper with a compost/mulch mix and just cut holes where I want to plant veggies. We had a bad Bermuda infestation a few years ago and I think this is the best way to kill it all in the garden.


  1. Hi Lee, I saw on Katinkas fb that you´ve started a blog on sustainable living and your experiences with the farm - great idea! We try the same over here, but it´s hard as the climate makes it difficult to be self-supplied with fruit and veg the whole year round...

    But yesterday we tapped our first batch homemade cider into bottles, great! Bjarne (my husband) has plans to start a blog about his fruit orchard/cider project, I´ll let you know when it´s on if you´re interested!

    Good luck with your blog, looking forward to follow you, and - you two did MIRACLES to that house!!! Fantastic.

    Take care, Kirsten

  2. oooh cider! i wish we had cider here.....maybe i can get lee on that ;)

  3. Remember, we had three Apple trees completely eaten by grasshopper swarms this year. I dont think Apples are on grow list anymore unless we do it at the house.

    When I say the grasshoppers ate the whole tree, I just mean the parts that are alive like leaves, bark and tissue. They left dead 7 foot twigs for us to harvest.
